Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Authentication is the procedure by which the Chinese government assures themselves that our paperwork is genuine.

This process was completed for each of the many documents that were sent to China.

We start with a document: in this case our I-171H, which is a document from our government letting us know that our application to adopt a foreign-born orphan has been approved.

It is a given that this document will expire before we meet our daughter, and we will have to repeat this process. (Refer to Wait Times graph and table.)
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Michael and I sign our names attesting that the document referred to here is a true copy of our approval from CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services/Department of Homeland Security). A Notary signs that she has verified that we are actually and truly Michael and Lora Norton.
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The Secretary of State signs off that Kathy Storro is truly a Notary Public of Washington.
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The Chinese Consulate in San Francisco finishes it up with a document that verifies that Sam Reed is indeed the Secretary of State of Washington. At least, that's what I think it says. Obviously, I can't read anything except "Sam Reed."
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